Combat medics deliver lifesaving care on the frontlines of Russia's war against Ukraine

Combat medics deliver lifesaving care on the frontlines of Russia’s war against Ukraine

Just beyond Ukraine’s frontlines, there is another fight to keep those injured on the battlefield alive. Resources are low, but the volunteers who run a vast network of emergency medical services remain committed to their lifesaving work. Elsewhere, care for…

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Russia targets supply routes as the U.S. and NATO allies pump weapons into Ukraine

Russia targets supply routes as the U.S. and NATO allies pump weapons into Ukraine

The wide plains of eastern Ukraine are now the site of a pitched battle between Ukrainian and Russian forces. American and allied weapons keep flowing in to assist Ukraine as it fends off fearsome Russian artillery and bombing. Meanwhile, a…

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Ukrainian civilians desperately try to flee the hellscape of Mariupol amid Russian attacks

Ukrainian civilians desperately try to flee the hellscape of Mariupol amid Russian attacks

The first evacuations from a steel plant in Mariupol, site of the last stand by Ukrainian troops, continued Monday a day after 100 civilians were freed. But more than 100,000 Ukrainians remain in the city, which has now been besieged…

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U.S. acting ambassador to Ukraine on the return of diplomats and the state of the war

U.S. acting ambassador to Ukraine on the return of diplomats and the state of the war

In the western city of Lviv, the U.S. chargé d’affaires to Ukraine Kristina Kvien returned on Monday to the country for the first time since evacuating six weeks ago. Kvien joins Nick Schifrin to discuss new shipments of U.S. arms…

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Ukrainian civilians desperately try to flee the hellscape of Mariupol amid Russian attacks

Ukrainian civilians desperately try to flee the hellscape of Mariupol amid Russian attacks

The first evacuations from a steel plant in Mariupol, site of the last stand by Ukrainian troops, continued Monday a day after 100 civilians were freed. But more than 100,000 Ukrainians remain in the city, which has now been besieged…

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Pelosi pledges U.S. support in Ukraine visit as evacuations begin in war-torn Mariupol

Pelosi pledges U.S. support in Ukraine visit as evacuations begin in war-torn Mariupol

About 100 residents in Ukraine’s port city of Mariupol on Sunday were freed and promised safe passage after being trapped for months in the basement of a steel plan with little access to clean air, food or water. This comes…

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Deep inside Mariupol's last stronghold, Ukrainians send messages of patriotism and resolve

Deep inside Mariupol’s last stronghold, Ukrainians send messages of patriotism and resolve

Russia is slowly consolidating its forces around Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region. Meanwhile, thousands of Ukrainians remain trapped in a steel factory in the beleaguered city of Mariupol. And as correspondent Ali Rogin reports, their loved ones are sending urgent pleas…

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New polling data suggests a struggle for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections

New polling data suggests a struggle for Democrats in the upcoming midterm elections

A new PBS NewsHour/NPR/Marist poll is out Friday and it has good news for Republicans, but indicates a rocky road ahead for President Biden and Democrats as the midterm election season swings into gear. Lisa Desjardins joins Judy Woodruff to…

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