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Just wondering

What has happened to our foundation of separation of church and state? We seem to be returning to a country run by a religious philosophy, not unlike the Taliban when it comes to women’s rights.

Will women lose the right to vote? The Constitution was silent on the matter. See the recent regressive decisions based on the silence of the Constitution.

Does the average blue-collar Joe realize that the government under a Trumpian anti-tax philosophy and the winner will remove their labor protections under OSHA, and that they will have to pay more taxes as the wealthiest continue to pay even lower taxes? Remember that the wealthiest individuals and corporations manage to pay taxes without an O even now. Most of us pay taxes to support schools, public safety, courts of justice, safe roads, CDC, FEMA—the list goes on. We all benefit, corporations included.

What happened to the concept of a “well-regulated militia” needing weapons, specifically defense weapons? The unregulated and untrained individuals who buy today’s weapons of war are wreaking havoc on our society and our freedom of movement or thought. Since the drafters couldn’t even conceive of AKs and ARs and rapid-fire magazines, how could they have wanted them to be openly available to today’s untrained, unregulated masses?

Kathleen’s Estate



A new golf company has sprung up and hired some employees who used to play golf and try to beat the best golfers in the world.

This new company has hired these golfers away from competitive golf at outrageous salaries. They are basically buying employees to show up from time to time to play golf and put on a show for some people who want to see them.

I can understand the attraction. Money! Most of these employees realize that they cannot compete against the best.

About 70% of them couldn’t make it to the top 100 and might as well give up trying to join a company that will pay them regardless of their skills. Then there are also a few who used to be able to compete but can’t anymore.

There may also be two or three who may or may not win again competing against the best players in the world. These few have given up competitive golf and signed a bonus to play for the new company knowing they no longer have to practice or compete, just show up and put on a show. Like a traveling circus.

Jim Moreau


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