The “unbearable lightness” of politics

High altitudes are characterized by a marked lack of oxygen.

The world is upside down. Not just as a product of the events caused by climate change or the absurd and irresponsible way of destroying what has been put in our charge. Simply because of the loss of sanity of the overwhelming majority of rulers, politicians and businessmen whose only aim in life is to amass power, wealth and maneuverability so that other nations will be a haven for their corrupt acts. When we point to the puppets of our failed countries, we must not forget who is pulling the strings. As a result of this myopia, valuable opportunities to strengthen human values ​​and those of utopian democracies are lost.

The airs and graces of the heights cause a loss of sense of reality, hallucinations, a feeling of invulnerability and a total detachment from the consequences of actions. This syndrome is well known to politicians, billionaires and, of course, mountaineers – although the latter regain their senses as soon as they descend from the peaks – and its effects affect decisions capable of changing the course of history. This happens so abundantly in the upper circles of power that when some of these potentates act intelligently, they look like legendary heroes.

The miserable rulers of the northern triangle of Central America, plus Nicaragua, are, for the moment and for the rest of Latin America, a painful example of this loss of human capacity. Not only have they taken over all the institutions created to protect democratic values ​​and laws; they have also transformed themselves into despots with pretensions to absolute power to ensure impunity for their crimes against humanity, their economic crimes, their obvious incapacity and, incidentally, to create an insurmountable barrier against efforts to contain corruption .

Although this is a local example of mismanagement and perverse intentions, on other continents as well, ambitions for power compete to occupy the first places in their quest for geopolitical control of the planet, however much innocent lives are annihilated as a result of its troops, missiles and indecent negotiations to maintain economic control. To this end, high-level global institutions are created as instruments of coercion, the nature of which is beyond any kind of control, including the numerous treaties and conventions signed to defend human and nature rights.

Perhaps because of this atmosphere of chaos, whose incidents monopolize the attention of the huge business conglomerates to which the world’s largest media entities belong, the small citizens – those of us who populate the least developed countries – will never have a picture how global politics works and why no power cares about our insignificant fate.

Speeches about freedom and democracy die a natural death as soon as they touch our borders and become empty words in the face of the provocations of the world’s most corrupt rulers. The only mechanism of protection is therefore in the hands of starving peoples, condemned to ignorance and subjected to constant abuse by their governments; and they are also the ones who receive the hardest blows from the system that governs us.

The absolute control of power is capable of destroying the entire legal scaffolding that protects us.

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