Mail Tribune 100, August 7, 1922 – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News

News from 100 years ago

The following news items were taken from the Mail Tribune archives 100 years ago

August 7, 1922


Ashland, August 7. — HG Enders, Dr. Swedenburg, Fred Homes, Tom Simpson, Bert Greer, Frank Jordan and Chas. Pierce is a committee appointed by the chamber of commerce to negotiate with the Huckenbury system about building a hotel and sanatorium here on a foundation managed by that union. Enders is the chairman of the committee. In response to a request, the promoters are expected to send a representative here soon to investigate the situation. In case of actual construction operations, the local parties will have to finance the project to a large extent. Jesse Winburn is reported to have indicated an intention of investing $20,000 in the deal, while others are in sight with liberal pledges.


The directors of the Jackson County Fair association will meet Wednesday evening of this week to consider the many details of the fair to be held in September.

The construction program is progressing ahead of schedule. The publicity committee has its work cut out for it. The premium book is now ready for distribution. The superintendents of various divisions are active in securing good exhibitions. The auto racing and racing programs will be published in a few days and other attractions are being offered so that the prospects are that the largest fair ever held in Oregon, excepting only the state fair, will take place in Jackson County next month.

The numerous applications for space on the grounds for exhibits and concessions will be sold in the next ten days and within a week the building committee of the fair association will erect the pavilion for the automobile show according to the size required to host the exhibit of dealers who have registered to exhibit.

Stock division entries already received ensure the success of a large stock exposure. A double car hangar has already been erected adjacent to the permanent stock building to accommodate exhibits that cannot be placed in regular quarters.

The details of the fair are many and those responsible for the association work day and night for its success.

— Alyssa Corman;

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