Supreme Court acting as politicians | News, Sports, Employment

To the editor:

Behold the majesty and power of the nine unelected gods on America’s Olympus, the Supreme Court of the United States.

Behold the power of transmutation, the magic that transformed Dred Scott, an enslaved human being, into an object, something to be exploited by his master for personal gain.

The alchemists of old resent the legal rule of these pseudo-gods as they alter natural laws and create, through bribery, a living being from the dust called a corporate personality. These living deities don’t care that the 14th amendment was never decided in this person’s favor in 1887.

The holy breath of bribery has been given life to the one true god of the Republican party, the US dollar.

Cower, mere mortals, while the omnipotent beings on the Court’s right miraculously hear Hamilton sing the $10 bill “Yankee Doodle Dandy”, thus giving the power of speech to money and unlimited political bribery (Citzens United decision).

Witness the mystical channeling of the intent of the founders as they wrote the original Constitution. Only the wrongs of the right are consecrated to receive the intention of the Founders through the crystal ball of bribery. Twilight will soon descend upon these delusional gods.

Mythical gods or not, lying during confirmation hearings before the United States Senate while under oath is perjury. For Gousuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett to invoke the settled law of Roe v Wade and then reverse that law calls for immediate impeachment hearings.

These three right-wing political operatives must be removed from our highest court, disbarred and imprisoned for their crimes. Let justice be done equally.

Peter Mazurkiewicz

Beaver Springs

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