Mail Tribune 100, August 16, 1922 – Medford News, Weather, Sports, Breaking News

News from 100 years ago

The following news items were taken from the Mail Tribune archives 100 years ago

August 16, 1922


This afternoon’s chamber of commerce forum lunch was attended by a large number of people interested in the water issue. FE Merrick acted as chairman and a resolution presented by Delroy Getchell congratulating the city administration for its excellent service to the community and further commending the administration for its proposed and impending construction was unanimously approved of a new reservoir and pipeline work that will begin in September. .

Several citizens of Medford spoke freely about the situation and endeavored to fix the water question for the rest of the assembly.

Earl Gaddis, alderman of the city, who has given much thought to the solution of the problem, raised the question and spoke of the desirability of securing a new water supply to Big Butte Springs.

EE Kelly spoke on the matter and proposed the plan to secure a new supply from the Rogue River. He opposed the construction of another long pipeline through the city and pointed out the detriment of increasing the debt of the city with this construction. He suggested that Colonel Frank Ray, a former resident of Medford, might himself undertake the financing of such a project, which would involve the installation of a pumping plant if carried out in accordance with the proposal of Mr. Kelly.

Both of the above men were in favor of separating the irrigation and water systems of the city.

Delroy Getchell spoke for a while and urged the forum members present to avoid being undecided about the real point at hand. He urged, in view of the present purity of the water, despite its unpleasantness, the construction of a new reservoir and a pipeline at the same time to reduce the risk of fire. He advised that the question of a change in source of supply be considered at a later date and noted that the additional storage capacity and distribution lines were needed at the same time and could be used regardless of where the supply came from. He later introduced the above resolution which was seconded by Colonel Payne.

— Alyssa Corman;

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