Political tensions boil over in Cape Coral during Republican Club meeting altercation

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CAPE CORAL, Fla. — A long history of political turmoil in Cape Coral reached a boiling point after a Republican club meeting ended earlier this week.

In the parking lot, John Karcher approached his car and moments later was blocked in by a silver car. Inside the car, the driver was Michelle Shadrach. Her husband ran for mayor in the last election. The passenger, Julia Bartlett, then got out of her car and approached Karcher’s, waving him out. Shadrach gave him the middle finger from inside the car.

What caused this fight outside the country club?

Karcher said it all started when Patty Cummings was accused of not living in the district she ran for.

PRIOR COVERAGE: Cape Coral Council member Patty Cummings under investigation for not living in the area she represents

“Patty, Julia and I hung out for a while when I was supposedly helping Patty, but we found out on other pages that she was lying to us,” Karcher said.

He believes Bartlett was one of the people involved in getting the information to the governor.

“Nobody would ever do that and they shouldn’t do it to anybody again,” Karcher said.

Bartlett did not go on camera, but said she walked up to her car and wanted to ask Karcher to stop cyberbullying her. He said he has hired a lawyer because of the harassment he has suffered.

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