Contentstack launches innovative compostable letter

A photo of various lego pieces falling in the air

The Gist

Exclusive breaking news. CMSWire is the first to report on the new Composable Charter created by Contentstack and other industry leaders. A composable architecture guide. The Composable Charter offers 10 guiding principles for composable adoption.

In news first shared with CMSWire, Contentstack, a leading provider of composable digital experiences (DXPs), today publishes what it says is the “first Composable Chart.”

CMSWire was granted exclusive permission to break the news an hour before the official announcement of the newly introduced Letter Composable which presents a set of 10 guiding principles that Contentstack officials say can be applied by companies in any industry to future-proof their business by adopting composable technologies and architectures.

Created by over 100 industry leaders in retail, travel and technology, including ASICS, Leesa Sleep, Metrolinx, PostNL, Aprimo, EPAM, BigCommerce and others, who came together to develop the letter at Contentstack’s annual thought leadership event, ContentCon 2023 which runs from May 8 to 10. The letter covers critical aspects such as proven methods for building a composable architecture, criteria for selecting the right partners for the composable journey, and strategies for identifying and measuring success along the way.

“It was inspiring to see all these industry leaders, some even competitors, working together to shape the future of composable,” Neha Sampat, founder and CEO of Content stack, said “Our goal has always been to facilitate the creation of digital experiences for all companies, but this does not happen without a framework. We will continually invest in enhancing this framework thoroughly to ensure our customers’ success and the greatest composable movement.”

When a company “goes composable,” it refers to a change in its approach to building software and technology systems. Instead of the traditional method of building a large, integrated software system (or monolith), companies are taking a more modular approach, similar to building with Legos, where each piece has a unique purpose and can be combined with other pieces to create a more complex environment. structure The result is a more agile, flexible and scalable system that can easily adapt to changing business needs.

The letter was created as a group effort yesterday during ContentCon.

“As a team, we believe in collaboration and value the fact that we’re all in this together,” Sampat said. “Seeing that we’d have our customers, partners and tribe members from around the world in one room, we knew we had to create something together that would benefit the content ecosystem we’re all a part of.”

Related article: The benefits and challenges of composable digital experience platforms

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Composable architecture: risk vs. reward

However, being composable comes with some risks. For example, it can be more complex to manage a system with many smaller parts, and it can be more difficult to ensure that all parts work perfectly, so companies should consider these risks.

“If an organization is really small and has a very medium use case, it might not need to be composable,” Sampat said. “As soon as your use case becomes more complex, or you have multiple platforms, applications and integrations in your technology stack, the need to become composable becomes urgent to seamlessly integrate multiple applications and streamline the build and content distribution”.

Related article: 4 keys to building composable digital experiences in 2023

Composable: More agile and flexible technological systems

Companies should consider going composable if they need to be more agile and flexible in their technological systems. For example, if they need to be able to quickly add new features or services, or if they want to be able to use different technologies in different parts of their systems.

A real example of composable vs. monolith is netflix. In the past, Netflix used a monolithic architecture to build its technology systems. But as the company grew, it became clear that this approach limited its ability to innovate and keep up with changing market demands. So Netflix moved to a more composable approach, where its systems are broken down into smaller, modular pieces that can be easily changed and replaced. For example, if Netflix wanted to add a new payment processing provider, it could simply change the payment processing microservice without having to rebuild the entire payment system.

“Composable architectures are a direct route to faster time to market and greater agility when it comes to developing and iterating digital experiences,” said Sampat. “A truly composable technology stack allows the user to seamlessly integrate applications from their entire technology stack into a single solution and enables businesses to be flexible and scale to respond to changing customer and market demands. Overall , composition offers greater flexibility, speed, and scalability. If you want to future-proof your business, you need to be composable.”

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