Retailers struggle with political anger


Retailers, including Walmart Inc., which take a stand on almost any social or political issue, risk criticism from activists and should plan ahead for such an event, marketing experts say.

Walmart rival Target Corp. drew a heated response recently after setting up Pride Month items and displays in the front of its stores, as it has done every June for at least the past 10 years.

But this year, shoppers at some stores across the country attacked the displays and threatened store employees with physical violence. On social media, some called for a boycott of the Minneapolis retailer.

In an effort to protect its workers and prevent further chaos, Target moved its flagship items and displays to the back of stores, mostly in southern states.

These actions angered other shoppers who support LGBTQ rights and Pride Month, and felt that Target had “sold out” on conservatives. Some are also promoting a boycott of the retailer.

So far, Walmart is standing by the issue and what it might do to avoid a similar response to the pride merchandise it sells in stores and online. A Walmart spokesperson said the company has no comment on the matter at this time.

Walmart carries some pride merchandise in its stores. And its e-commerce site,, has a “Pride and Joy” page that highlights the creators of LGBTQ-themed items like clothing, books and cards that Walmart sells online. The page includes photo slideshows of some of the company’s artists and founders.

But the time has passed when retailers can bury their heads in the sand and ignore an increasingly polarized and angry society, experts say.

Carol Spieckerman, retail consultant and president of Spieckerman Retail, said it’s unfortunate that store employees are bearing the brunt of the abuse. “That’s definitely a retailer’s biggest concern,” he said.

However, retailers carry pride merchandise because customers want to buy it, Spieckerman said.

“However, any retailer that carries Pride merchandise has already positioned itself,” he said. “So backing down in reaction to backlash shows a lack of conviction and courage to customers.”

“It also sets an unfortunate precedent that encourages harassment in the future,” Spieckerman said.

Martin Thoma of Little Rock marketing and brand communications firm Thoma Thoma said Target is just the latest of many companies to be embroiled in disputes between the two sides of a divisive issue.

Companies now “face situations where you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t,” Thoma said. “There is no way that any entity can be all things to all people.”

Thoma said there will likely be more situations like the one at Target and others like Disney in Florida and Bud Light. She points the finger at social media, many of which are encouraging people to become more activist and feel empowered to take action.

Because this problem isn’t going away, hiding has become a losing strategy, Thoma said.

“Perhaps companies should treat this as crisis communication that might be necessary,” he said. “Plan for the worst and hope for the best is a good mantra here.”

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