The Pope and Mexican bishops discuss migration and socio-political challenges


Pope Francis receives a group of Mexican bishops who are in the Vatican for his ad limina visit. Cardinal Aguiar Retes says that the socio-political situation, migration and violence were among the topics discussed.

By Patricia Ynestroza

The migration phenomenon, the Mexican socio-political situation and the recent episodes of violence in the country were the main topics discussed by the Mexican bishops and Pope Francis during their meeting at the Vatican on Friday, June 2.

The occasion was offered by the ad limina visit of the second group of bishops of the Mexican Episcopal Conference from the central regions of the country.

The Primate Archbishop of Mexico, Cardinal Carlos Aguiar Retes, was present at the audience and told Vatican News more about the conversation.

The challenges of the country

“Mexico’s challenges are the same as those of the world”, the cardinal pointed out, “for example, the change of times that has made it difficult to transmit the faith to new generations”, the will to offer them the tools to grow on a path of freedom and develop your potential and find your true vocation.

Another point that has been commented on, continued Aguiar Retes, has been the serious socio-political situation in the country that is getting worse due to the great social inequality and long-standing problems. Sometimes, the cardinal said, there has not been “sufficient harmony for political and social forces to agree on the good of society.”


The topic of migration was also discussed, as it represents a serious problem for a country like Mexico, a transit country to the United States and Canada.

The Mexican bishops are very involved in the work and ministry of the “Pilgrim Houses”, but the cardinal explained that in the face of very large and very crowded caravans of migrants it is difficult to help everyone and meet their needs.

“It is very difficult to encourage them, to feed them, to give them shelter,” Cardinal Aguiar Retes said, although he noted that Pope Francis expressed appreciation for the bishops’ efforts.

“Efforts must be added”, he added, to “offer the possibility of a safer passage to their destination”.

The Mexican bishops are working with the bishops of the United States and Canada to make these transit bridges safer for people.

On April 26, the Pope received the first group of bishops from the northern regions of Mexico, specifically the ecclesiastical provinces of Baja California, Bajío, Monterrey, Chihuahua, Durango, Hermosillo and San Luis Potosí.

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