Cards: DeSantis Attacks | Political entertainment

SJM L 2022YEAR 20

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DeSantis attacks
on the state do not sway

Re: “DeSantis degrades San Francisco in new ad” (Page A1, June 22).

It was painful to watch Florida Governor Ron DeSantis take cheap shots in San Francisco and California. Of course, it is expected of all radical right-wing governors who still support Donald Trump and hesitate to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

DeSantis must remember that California: believes in science and vaccines; it does not remove all references to slavery from the history books, because we can rewrite the history books, but we cannot change history; does not deny health care to trans people; does not prohibit abortion, but welcomes pregnant women who seek one; he doesn’t kidnap migrants from distant states and bus them to other states at taxpayer expense; does not deny global warming and is taking steps to minimize its cause and effects.

California may be awake, but red states are absurd.

Mr. Pamidi
Saint Joseph

The GOP needs to stop dealing
politics as entertainment

If it baffles you how Donald Trump is still a viable presidential candidate, start seeing him as an entertainer who has won the hearts of what we now call MAGA Republicans over the years.

Brilliant as the irreverent, no-nonsense boss on “The Apprentice,” he later turned the presidency into a political version of “The Office.” It’s so much fun watching him make fun of the Constitution, turning the GOP into a crazy cult. And how he legitimized tyrants while undermining our allies, my god, it’s so funny my sides hurt. After being “cancelled” in 2020, you might have thought the show was over, but then it created a spin-off playing the same character running again, adding insurgency as entertainment for its loyal fans

It seems absurd but it is not. Unless Trump’s audience stops treating politics as entertainment, we may once again end up with Donald Trump’s comedy show in the real world.

Todd Lowenstein
Saint Joseph

Buy organic products
to help farm workers

Please think about those who pick up our food when you go to the grocery store.

According to Ann Lopez, director of the Center for Families of Agricultural Workers, 60% of these people are undocumented and vulnerable to wage theft, sexual harassment and even rape with no legal recourse due to their status. They are exposed to toxic chemicals that cause various forms of cancer, including brain cancer and childhood leukemia, birth defects, and a high incidence of ADHD. These chemicals eventually end up in the bloodstream of all of us.

Contact your congressional representatives to ask why these chemicals are allowed and why farmworkers are not protected. Buy organic products for the benefit of your health, the health of the workers and the health of our environment.

Sharon Jackson
Saint Joseph

Words count
composting effort

Re: “Composting organic waste helps us fight climate change” (Page A6, June 16).

I am a long time reader of your paper.

I believe that using terms such as trash, as the owner of Frog Hollow Farm did when referring to compostable materials such as food scraps and food waste paper, significantly diminishes their inherent value from the perspective of residents and the companies

I believe that agencies responsible for implementing programs to separate food scraps and food waste paper need to emphasize the importance of respecting these valuable materials and their vital role in the fight against climate change.

Vera Dahle-Lacaze

Climate fight needs
respect, not panic

Re: “Global heat records fall: Panic may be in order” (Page A7, June 21).

Mark Gongloff thinks a little panic is useful in tackling climate change. I think determined respect is an appropriate response.

Humans are conducting a reckless experiment, releasing carbon pollution into the atmosphere and pushing the Earth’s systems to break down. 1.2°C of warming has already occurred. According to Stefan Rahmstorf (Climate One, December 16, 2022) we may have already lost the West Antarctic ice sheet that will cause 3 meters (9.8 feet) of global sea level rise, and we are in the midst of a global coral die-off. switched off. After 2°C of warming, there will be no coral reefs left.

Call your elected representatives and tell them to make climate change a top priority and put a price on carbon. A carbon price and dividend will direct capital to clean energy technology and consumers will choose carbon-free products, accelerating the transition to clean energy. Respect the Earth’s systems.

Lisa Oliver

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